First Time Customer Chiropractic Special

Chiropractors who Care

You’ve been there before. Those offices that get you in and out as fast as possible and push monthly memberships that you don’t need or use. At the end of the day, you aren’t feeling better but your wallet is lighter.

Come visit Form Fitness & Chiropractic where you will get quality care and education.

Book your Appointment

Special Introductory Offer

For a limited time, we are offering new customers a promotional first visit for only $39.
Normally $55.

Icon showing body scan

Digital Body Scan

Icon of a chiropractor giving a full body adjustment

Full Body Adjustment

Icon showing promotional price of $39

Only $39

Whole Body Adjustment

Not just your back, but your whole body!

  • Wrists
  • Knees
  • Feet
  • Hips
  • Elbows
  • Shoulders
  • Ribs
  • Even your Nose! (If needed)

Most people consider chiropractors to be “back doctors”, but we are actually experts on the nervous system. We know that restoring normal motion and input to your body’s joints optimizes the way your brain and body communicate.

This means less risk of injury during your game, less stress and fatigue if you’re growing a baby, and the best chance of growing a body that is healthy and well-connected.

Our Patients Come First

Meet the Doctors

Doctor Valdez and Doctor Cutler of Form Fitness

We are passionate about performance chiropractic — in helping you and your family stay active and healthy. Rather than chasing symptoms of pain, we focus on areas of unique strength. We view symptoms as your body’s way of communicating with you on how it can recover, respond to, and rise above the demands it currently faces.

Committed to the Best

Our office is intentionally designed to feel like your home for wellness and healing, as well as a church of iron in your pursuit of strength and vitality. We work with some of the best practitioners in the area, because we know that sometimes the best way forward is involving other specialties.

We believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge they are missing from generational gaps, modern advertising and current medical trends. We offer quality education opportunities to keep you independently healthy, confident in your body’s ability to adapt, and empowered in managing your family’s health now and in the years to come.

Schedule your Appointment Today

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does it Cost?

Our first visit is just $39 and includes a history, consultation, digital posture scan, exam, and a doctor’s report of findings before your first adjustment.

Does it hurt?

If you’ve never experienced a chiropractic adjustment before, it can seem a little intimidating. Our doctors are experts in moving joints gently, specifically, and comfortably for maximum benefit to your nervous system with minimal discomfort. They are extremely understanding and patient and will always answer your questions and adapt their treatment to your preferences. The adjustment can be so gentle, many newborns sleep right through it!

Once I start getting adjusted, do I have to keep going regularly?

Your care is your decision, and you always have the right to decide when you have received enough of the benefits you came for. However, many patients feel so much better, and report improvements they didn’t even expect, that they choose to make chiropractic a regular part of their healthcare routine. Each adjustment builds off the last, so progress often follows an accelerating pace as your body builds positive momentum towards health. And the best part? All the “side effects” of an adjustment are advantages to your body.

Do you accept insurance?

We are a self-pay office, and strongly believe that the care you need should be a decision between you and your doctor, and nobody else. We offer lower prices than most insurance carriers would allow, and being a cash practice allows us to negotiate additional discounts to keep your care affordable and timely. Some providers will reimburse you for chiropractic care, but that would be a decision between you and your carrier, as we do not bill directly for our services, nor can we guarantee reimbursement as each plan is different.

How long does a session take?

Since each body is different, and each case is unique, how patients respond to care varies greatly. Our first visit usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour. Subsequent adjustments usually take less than 20 minutes. And overall, chiropractic care begins to show signs of relief after just a couple adjustments. However, for lasting change and not just temporary relief, we recommend following the care plan your doctor will provide you with, based on your individual case.

Is Chiropractic safe?

Chiropractic is the largest drug-free and surgery-less healing profession in the world and would not be so popular if it weren’t safe and effective. In recent studies, chiropractic has been shown to be far safer than taking medicine or traveling by air. Our history and exam process helps us determine whether chiropractic is right for you and may offer some modifications or accommodations for your specific needs.

How do I get started?

Schedule Online or call to book your first visit/consultation in our office. This will give you an intake form to help us anticipate questions for your history, goals for your recovery, and any special considerations or decisions we will support you in making. While walk-ins are always welcome, planning ahead will make the most effective use of our time together.

What should I wear?

You will remain fully clothed during our initial assessment. Please wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move easily. You will need to remove your shoes and socks during the digital posture scan and may choose to leave them off through your adjustment. If you are undergoing treatment that requires any special preparation, a member of our team will provide you with a gown or will instruct you to wear or bring other clothing.

What should I expect after treatment?

Most patients report feeling relaxed, notice a lowered stress response, and even feel a little sleepy as their body responds to the adjustment. This is because the nervous system is returning to the “rest/digest” state. They may feel hungry, may notice improved digestive function, or may crave a nap. All these are great indicators that the body is undertaking a healing/recovery effort. We recommend you stay hydrated (we quality, carbon-filtered water in our office) and eat simple, clean meals on your normal routine. Very rarely, someone feels a little exercise/muscle soreness after being adjusted, but this passes just as it would after a good workout and is usually not cause for concern. Your chiropractic doctor will address any of these issues if they happen to arise.